Daydream support

Viond supports the latest high quality mobile VR platforms of the market, including Google Daydream.
If you own a daydream device, read this F.A.Q. to get the most out of your high-end device.


How do I know if my smartphone is Daydream-ready ?

Daydream smartphones respect a strict set of constraints in order to offer a smooth VR experience. Most high-end smartphones released from the end of 2017 and onward support Daydream, you can find the exhaustive list on Google's website :

I have a Daydream device but no Daydream View headset, can I still play Viond experiences?

Yes. Although we recommend using a Daydream View headset paired with the Daydream controller to enjoy a top-notch experience, you can still use the Viond app as a regular (Cardboard) VR app. To do so :

  1. Launch the Viond app.
  2. When prompted to place the phone in the Daydream headset, turn it on the side in order to switch to landscape mode for 2 seconds.
  3. As you face this screen, press the gear icon in the top right of the screen to access VR Settings :

  4. In the VR Settings screen press the Headset menu
  5. Select Google Cardboard I/O 2015 headset.
  6. You can now close the settings menu and the app. When you re-open the app, you will be able to use Viond as a regular (Cardboard) VR app.

VRdirect user documentation